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McNairy County Residents Back to Work

McNAIRY COUNTY, Tenn. — Two fields in McNairy County will soon become the home of Solar Farms that will employ nearly 400 people.

Some of those people have been without a job for more than a year. Steve Westbrooks was laid off from Masco Bath last February.

“I worked there for 30 years and never had to look for a job,” Westbrooks said. “It's a new marketing thing as far as job hunting goes.”

Westbrooks is one of many who got laid off from Masco Bath. Now he is one step closer to a steady paycheck through the Workforce Investment Act, an organization that helps get people jobs.

“I think they're looking to the future and they feel like there is hope,” Career Specialist Velma Holt said.

Potential employees that have been without jobs since February 2013 will now have the opportunity to get the training they need to work at Strata Solar Farm.

Through career training, McNairy County residents will be able to prepare not only for Strata, but have the ability to apply to other jobs in the future.

“This has really been the talk of the town that we're getting this solar plant, and everybody's eager to work,” explained Career Specialist Fedtricia Barnes.

Career specialists say they're excited about this boost for the community.

“When something like this comes into a county, it gives not only the county a lift, but it gives the people one too,” Holt said.

As for Westbrooks, he says he's thankful he finally has a way to provide for his family.

To learn more about these opportunities, contact the West Tennessee Workforce Investment Board at 800-572-5782.